Real Premium Spices

Real Premium Spices
Harare, Zimbabwe
Jan 2020

People say that variety is the “Real Premium” Spice of life, to mean that doing and seeing a lot of different things makes life more enjoyable and interesting. Families have discovered that variety is the Spice of life and are switching to adventurous meals that have one or a combination of Spices and Herbs.


Our Philosophy is Based on bringing and Empowered, tasteful and enjoyable life to all homes. We have ensured that our Spices and Herbs are Affordable, delivering them to you via a network of Distributors who in turn make a Commission or profit when they sell to retailers.


Therefore, we have created hundreds of thousands of Jobs for mostly women across the Southern African region. We have also brought Peace and Happiness, with tasteful and healthy meals prepared by Chefs and mothers who use Real Premium Spices.

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